Friday, September 17, 2010

The Chairman's Waltz Violin (Memoirs of a Geisha)

This is my donated piece for Virginia Beach Symphony "The Painted Violins" 2010 fundraiser.* I have been told it is one of six that will be in the live auction, and although that information was enthusiastically shared as an honor, live auctions chill me to my very being. Fun for the patrons, not so much for this artist! 
After researching past "painted violins" across the country, I found most artists cover the entire instrument with their medium. Wanting to take a different route, I chose to leave large sections of varnished wood to contrast with the painted surface. In addition, Memoirs of a Geisha, featuring hauntingly beautiful cello and violin solos, has always been a favorite of mine, and a most appropriate subject, on many levels, for my violin piece. The color scheme was inspired by the kimono worn during Sayuri's public debut with the images from the many themes that ran through the story. A special tribute is paid to Jaimie Goodwin, one of several Dance Energy artists featured on So You Think You Can Dance and one of my nieces' fellow company dancers, who I have had the pleasure of watching at many of Denise Wall's recitals and national competitions. Jaimie along with fellow dancer Hok Konishi  gave an incredible performance on SYTYCD with their Emmy Award winning "Hummingbird and Flower" number choreographed by Wade Robson to the score of The Chairman's Waltz. (view dance at ) There were so many artistic possibilities with this theme, I would love to get the opportunity to do a series of variations in future projects.

The Chairman’s Waltz Violin
-Artist Lynette Kelly Crain

  •  “The Chairman’s Waltz” (Memoirs of a Geisha) was a violin solo written by composer John Williams specifically for, and performed by, violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman.
  • Williams’ beautiful Memoirs of a Geisha conceptual theme was composed for the cello solos (written for and performed by Yo-Yo Ma) to be the "voice" of the geisha Sayuri, while the violin solos represent Sayuri’s true love, The Chairman.
  •  Choreographer Wade Robson created a jazz number to “The Chairman’s Waltz” on FOX TV’s So You Think You Can Dance 2007 competition. 
  • The Emmy award winning dance by Robson, known as “Hummingbird and Flower,” featured Virginia Beach’s Jaimie Goodwin, from the acclaimed Denise Wall’s Dance Energy, and Hok Konishi. 
  • A tribute to “The Chairman’s Waltz” dance is on the back of the violin.
  • A profusion of cherry blossoms, found on the front and back of the violin, always appeared during the happiest encounters between Sayuri and The Chairman.
  •  In many ways, Memoirs of a Geisha is a study in contrasts. The artistic theme of the violin suggests similar contrasts with paint against wood, polished against matte, angled lines against fluid.

*The Symphonicity "The Painted Violins" Fundraiser auction will be held October 3, 2010. I will post details when they are made available. Calendars and posters will also be printed.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The winds of time!

Ten of us are creating a collaborative fantasy creature that will be exhibited in mid-2011. I brought my current project home so I could work while Hurricane Earl swirls our way. Hopefully he won't stay long and will leave us with power!