Monday, July 18, 2011

Virginia Artists 2011 Juried Exhibition

As usual, James Warwick Jones packed the Charles H. Taylor Arts Center Opening with art patrons and artists! All galleries were filled with shoulder-to-shoulder attendance and only the upstairs gallery offered a little breathing room and an easier time to view the wonderful art in this exhibition. Juried by Amy Moorefield, Director of the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University, the exhibit featured 106 works by 81 Virginia artists, including yours truly with the selected piece at the left. Leaving the DVR on record for the Women's World Cup Soccer game, I headed over to Hampton for the reception, and not surprisingly, the long trip with the 6 mile tie-up at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, westbound, and a slightly shorter tie-up going back east to Virginia Beach. Sadly, I did not see a single soul I knew at the reception, and only recognized two of the award winners--Mark Miltz, "realist" painting award, and Victoria Pharr, sculpture award, and a paper artist who used to have a studio at the d'Art Center, but one of the few who I did not get to know. Happily, my painting sold! I actually has taken it home from my P|4 show and kept it at home to enjoy instead of the studio, so I am very glad someone else loved it as much as I do!


  1. So happy you sold your painting. Congratulations on getting in the show!

  2. Anne, so good of you to drop by! I must be more diligent about checking in myself.
