Monday, July 25, 2011

Meeting Norman Goodwin

Nationally known urban artist Norman Goodwin* came into Studio 116 during d'Art's 25th Anniversary reception on July 9. The reputation of this highly talented Hampton Roads phenom precedes him, so I was well aware that my paintings were under the highest scrutiny from one who would have no qualms about openly critiquing my work in the company of others. When he asked Ray for introductions, I was a bit cautious after he had been quietly observing my wall of art. A few questions later, he offered the ultimate approval with, "I love your work; your colors, your brushstrokes, your balance. You are a good painter. And I don't say that to many people." 
Ultimate fear gave way to ultimate honor and the night was good!
After the weekend, I had a voicemail from Norman: "I have been thinking about your paintings all weekend. There isn't a bad one in the lot and I want to buy one." We have been chatting a couple times a week now, working out a delivery date!
*Norman Goodwin's paintings are collected by museums, including MOMA, the Chrysler Museum, Art Institute of Chicago and the Nasher Museum at Duke University. He is a certified fine arts appraiser and conservator.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Virginia Artists 2011 Juried Exhibition

As usual, James Warwick Jones packed the Charles H. Taylor Arts Center Opening with art patrons and artists! All galleries were filled with shoulder-to-shoulder attendance and only the upstairs gallery offered a little breathing room and an easier time to view the wonderful art in this exhibition. Juried by Amy Moorefield, Director of the Eleanor D. Wilson Museum at Hollins University, the exhibit featured 106 works by 81 Virginia artists, including yours truly with the selected piece at the left. Leaving the DVR on record for the Women's World Cup Soccer game, I headed over to Hampton for the reception, and not surprisingly, the long trip with the 6 mile tie-up at the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, westbound, and a slightly shorter tie-up going back east to Virginia Beach. Sadly, I did not see a single soul I knew at the reception, and only recognized two of the award winners--Mark Miltz, "realist" painting award, and Victoria Pharr, sculpture award, and a paper artist who used to have a studio at the d'Art Center, but one of the few who I did not get to know. Happily, my painting sold! I actually has taken it home from my P|4 show and kept it at home to enjoy instead of the studio, so I am very glad someone else loved it as much as I do!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Seriously Central Maintenance...63° in the d'Art Center Studios is a Good Thing?

Brrr! It's the first day of summer and Norfolk's Central has decided to freeze us out of the Selden Arcade! Compared to Harborfest week, when temperatures soared into the high 90s outside, and the low 90s inside, this is the lesser of two evils. However, wouldn't it be fabulous if we could strike a happy medium and keep the temps in the mid- to high 60s year 'round? The latest reading is 63° which is perfect for enjoying my Starbucks, but not so much for anything else...except maybe buying art!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Norfolk Circuit Court Judges Peter Decker and Jim Mathews dropped by Studio 116 for a visit.  

The Boardwalk Art Show is "Smokin'"!

Today is the first day of the Boardwalk Art Show, where else but, on the boardwalk in Virginia Beach. Unfortunately, the smoke from the peat fires from Alligator River area in Manteo, North Carolina have dropped a heavy smoke fog over our area. Several attempts to contain the fire have been unsuccesful since the lightning strike set this all off in April. The drive to my studio this morning was very hazy and smelly. If we are having this unpleasant conditions in Virginia Beach and Norfolk, I can only imagine what the Outer Banks vacationers are experiencing.
Still, I am planning to stroll through the show this year to see what's happening in one of the country's top 100 outdoor art shows. A big shout out to my friends Vonnie Whitworth, Jeff Diener, and Janice Gay Maker. May your sales be often and many!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Collaborative Creatures Opening

Friday Night was not only the opening reception at d'Art for our ten-artist collaborative, but it was Harborfest's opening night for the Parade of Sails. Surprisingly, parking spaces were still available when a couple of us arrived several hours early in the sweltering heat. The event was attended by a handful of dedicated art lovers but they were most enthusiastic with questions and comments throughout the entire gallery talk given by the local seven participants: Ray Hershberger  (painter), Janice Gay Maker  (painter), Lynne Sward (fiber artist), Peggy Beardslee (fiber artist), Pamela Winslow (fiber artist), Matthew Bernier (puppeteer), and yours truly.
(Above--Airyk: rex ignem avis Journal)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lynne Sward's Make & Take Collage workshop is beginning! I'll check back in after the "show"!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Morning Drawing group at 24th Street in Virginia Beach. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

New Jersey Visitors

Mary Moore and her husband Harry stopped by Studio 116 today. This delightful couple, originally from NJ, then KS, and now NJ again, shared their stories about their family involvement during Prohibition when the dairy farm was not as prolific as Grandpa's still! Thanking us for sharing a "little slice of Southern hospitality", we also thank the Moores for the wonderful fellowship they brought to our day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's National Poetry Month! Come write your own on the Selden Arcade's board. (note: the lines pictured aren't mine!)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

" 'ello, I wish to register a complaint."

Today is International Monty Python Day. Since I just installed my mobile blogger I will officially test it in honor of this highly creative group who has shared their demented humour to the delight of so many.
"Sorry, we're closing for lunch."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Melbourne - Our Home on the Bay: Australian Impressionists

My cousin Leon recently wrote that he wanted to introduce me to some Australian artists. I was thrilled at the vision of having a true Australian picnic with Thai takeaway, some lively conversation, and lots of red Aussie wine. However, the introductions were to include Impressionists from the late 19th century, who incredibly painted on the beach next to another cousin's home in Mentone.
So while dreams of sharing a few gallery exhibitions with family friends fade, I was very pleased to expand my knowledge of the arts from Down Under. Leon, I am still very interested to any introductions that include "live" artists from Melbs, Oz, or Paris!

Melbourne - Our Home on the Bay: Australian Impressionists

Monday, March 7, 2011

Picasso Roadtrip

Friday Morning was my day to set the model for our drawing group. Instead, I "set" the group in my Expedition and we had a great roadtrip to Richmond to see the Picasso Exhibition. Our model Beeb Stiles and artist Jeane Kight showed up early at my house so I could make a quick run to Panera for a carbohydrate packed breakfast of delicious bagels. Hot coffee in hand, we drove to Wards Corner in Norfolk to collect the remaining three artists, Ray Hershberger, Angie Coleman, and Betsy Kennedy.
Luck was with us all day: we walked in at the perfect time to get in the next 30 minute group; headsets were available, and after a leisurely stroll through the exhibition, we made a quick return together to comment on some works and motifs that, well, just needed commenting on!
With a nice recommendation from the museum staff, we took advantage of the beautiful day and walked down to Cary Street for a lunch at Secco Wine Bar. However, we did not end up at Secco Wine Bar because, realizing we had a man with us we quickly realized that the lovely prixe fix lunch of tender baby greens, or portabella mushroom plate might not be sufficient, we all headed back to Double Ts to- and I quote- pig out. While ordering, we discovered Governor McDonnell had proclaimed this an all-Virginia establishment. Then owner, Double T, moseyed over, pulled up a chair and explained the virtues of his establishment made St Louis cut ribs, pulled pork barbecue, roasted sweet corn pudding, collards, onion rings, Brunswick stew, and fresh brewed sweet tea or homemade lemonade (the lemonade being the only thing we did not get!)
Ted Truman, also known as Double T, filled our table with tales of his home in Missouri, including the fact that Harry S Truman was a cousin, taught us the virtues of St. Louis cut ribs, vinegarless barbecue sauce, the beauty of buying all produce from local growers and meats from local farms, and openly flirted with our model, offering half of his bread pudding...which she delightfully accepted. Full of delicious food and delightful conversation, we all ordered cobblers and brownies topped with Double T's homemade ice cream to share.
The drive home was electric with dozens of conversations that erupted non-stop all the way home as we relived the events of this wonderful day of art and friendships.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Destination ImagiNation

After a couple years absence, I volunteered to help with the Destination ImagiNation program. It was great fun to work in the scoreroom with "pit boss" Adam! Got to renew old friendships with the Frys, the Laws, and one each of the Schoews and St.Clairs. The scores were finalized and printed in record time and kudos to both Adam for his amazing organization, and to Al Simons of New Hampshire DI for his fabulous scoring program. It was great fun to be around such creative people once again!